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Service Identification

Service Identification

This property sheet enables you to view or modify the network information for a selected net service name or database service.

Service Identification

Use the Service Identification box to view or modify CONNECT_DATA information.



Service Name

Enter a service name if configuring this client to connect to an Oracle8 i or later database service.
Note: For a database service stored in a directory server, this field only displays the current value. Modifications are not permitted.


Displays the Oracle System Identifier (SID) for an Oracle8 database.
Connect Type

From the list, select if you want this net service name to use a dedicated server, shared server, or whatever the database has been configured with.
If shared server is configured in the initialization parameter file, then select Dedicated Server to force the listener to start a dedicated server to bypass shared server configuration.
If shared server is configured in the initialization parameter file and you want to guarantee that this connection always uses a shared server, then select Shared Server. If Database Resident Connection Pooling is enabled on the server, you can select Pooled Server to get a connection from the pool.

Use Oracle8 Release 8.0 Compatible Identification Select this option if you are configuring a client to connect to a pre-release Oracle8i database service. Clear this option if you are configuring for an Oracle9i or Oracle8i database service.
Advanced Choose to configure advanced CONNECT_DATA parameters.

Address Configuration

Use the Address box to modify, add, or delete a listener protocol address .

If an address is already configured, then its protocol information displays in the fields.




From the list, select the protocol for the listener address. Depending on the protocol chosen, enter information in the fields as appropriate.

Show Advanced/Hide Advanced button

Use the Show Advanced/Hide Advanced toggle to display or hide settings for specifying the I/O buffer space limit for the address.

These settings are supported by the TCP/IP, TCP/IP with SSL, and SDP protocols.

  • Total Send Buffer Size:Specify, in bytes, the buffer space for send operations of sessions.
  • Total Receive Buffer Size: Specify, in bytes, the buffer space for receive operations of sessions.

Note: Specifying these settings overrides these settings in a clientside sqlnet.ora file.

+ button

Choose to create a new protocol address. A new Address tab displays from which you can select the protocol and enter protocol information in the fields. The chosen protocol must be installed on both the client and server (where the listener resides).
X button

Choose to remove the selected Address tab and its address information.

< button

Choose to move the protocol address up in the list order.

> button
Choose to move the protocol address down in the list order.
Advanced button Choose to configure multiple addresses options, such as connect-time failover and client load balancing.

Apply button

Choose to apply the settings.

Revert button

Choose to reset the settings to their original values.

For more information about configuring I/O buffer space, see Chapter 14, Optimizing Performance, in the Oracle10i Net Administrator's Guide.

Related Topics

Create Network Route Information for a Database Service

Create Additional Protocol Addresses

Configure Multiple Address Options

Configure Advanced Connect Data Options
