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General Parameters: General

General Parameters: General

The General tab enables you to configure general parameters for the listener.

Listener Name

Displays the name of the listener.

Startup Wait Time

Specify the time, in seconds, for the listener to wait before responding to a Listener Control utility START command.

Note: This setting is deprecated and will be desupported in a future release. If you require this parameter to run the listener, please notify Oracle Support Services.


Save Configuration on Shutdown

Choose to make permanent any changes made by the Listener Control utility SET command.

SNMP Contact Information

Enter any text to be written to the snmp.ora file for use with Oracle Enterprise Manager. This information will be sent with any SNMP connection, and can be any string. It does not affect the process of creating an SNMP connection. This information generally consists of contact information for the client's user or administrator.

Related Topics

Oracle Net Services Overview
