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Create Net Service Alias dialog box

Creating Net Service Alias dialog box

The Create Net Service Alias dialog box enables you to create net service aliases in a directory server.

A net service alias is an alternative name for a net service name or database service. A net service alias entry does not have connect descriptor information. Instead, it only references the location of the object for which it is an alias. When a client requests a directory lookup of a net service alias, the directory determines that the entry is a net service alias and completes the lookup as if it is the referenced entry. For example, a net service alias of db1alias can be created for a database service of db1. When db1alias is used to connect to a database service, as in CONNECT scott/tiger@db1alias , it will actually resolve to and use the connect descriptor information for db1 .

There are two main uses of net service aliases:

  • Use a net service alias as a way for clients to refer to a database service or net service name by another name.

  • Use a net service alias in one Oracle Context for a database service or net service name in a different Oracle Context. This enables a database service or net service name to be defined once in the directory server, but referred to by clients that use other Oracle Contexts.

Net Service Alias

Enter the name of the net service alias.

Net Service Name or Database Service

Use the Net Service Name or Database Service box to enter information about the database service or net service name:

Oracle Context: Specify the Oracle Context of the database service or net service name by selecting one from the list or entering one in the field.

Name: Specify the distinguished name (DN) of the database service or net service name by selecting one from the list or entering one in the field.

Related Topics

Oracle Net Services Overview
