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Configure Multiple Address Options

Configuring Multiple Address Options

When a database service is accessible by multiple listener protocol addresses, it is important to specify the order in which the protocol addresses are to be used. For example, the protocol addresses can be chosen randomly or tried sequentially.

When multiple protocol addresses have been configured for a net service name or database service, the following options are configurable:

To configure multiple address options:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand Oracle Net Configuration > Directory > Local or Service Naming.

  2. Select a net service name or database service. The right pane displays the current destination service and address list.

  3. In the Address Configuration box, choose Advanced. The Address List Options dialog box appears.

  4. Clear Use Options Compatible with Net8 8.0 Clients if this configuration is for an Oracle9 i or Oracle8 i client.

  5. Select the option appropriate for the protocol address list, and then choose OK.

  6. In the right pane, choose Apply.

  7. If you are making these changes to the Local folder, choose File > Save Network Configuration.

Related Topics

Oracle Net Services Overview
