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Advanced Service Options dialog box

Advanced Service Options dialog box

The Advanced Service Options dialog box enables you to configure advanced CONNECT_DATA parameters.

Additional Service Settings



Instance Name

Enter the names of the database instance to access. The instance name can be obtained from the INSTANCE_NAME parameter value in the initialization parameter file.

Session Data Unit (SDU) Enter the session data unit size to change the performance characteristics having to do with the packets sent across the network. Set the SDU size as a multiple of the normal transport frame size. The normal size for Ethernet frame size is 1500, but the usable portion is 1460. When encryption is not in use, one byte is reserved. The algorithm to use is a multiple of 1460 plus 1 when encryption is not used or a multiple of 1460 when it is for Ethernet.
Use for Heterogeneous Services Choose for an Oracle server to access a non-Oracle system through heterogeneous services.

Oracle Rdb Settings



Oracle Rdb Settings

Specify the file name of an Oracle Rdb database.

Type of Service Enter the type of service to use for an Oracle Rdb database.
Global Database Name Enter an identifier for the Oracle Rdb database.

Related Links

Configure Advanced Connect Data Options

Configure a Connect Descriptor for Heterogeneous Services

Configure a Connect Descriptor for an Oracle Rdb Database

Oracle Net Services Overview
