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Create Additional Protocol Addresses

Creating Additional Protocol Addresses

A database service can be accessed by more than one network route, or protocol address.

To add a network protocol address to an existing net service name or database service:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand Oracle Net Configuration > Directory or Local > Service Naming.

  2. Select a net service name or database service. The right pane displays the current destination service and address list.

  3. In the Address Configuration box, choose plus (+). A new Address tab appears.

  4. Select a protocol and enter the appropriate protocol parameter information for the selected protocol.

  5. Order the addresses according to where it should be in the address list with the left-arrow and right-arrow buttons. Unless multiple address options are configured, only the first address in the list is contacted. To configure a different order, see Configure Multiple Address Options.

  6. In the right pane, choose Apply.

  7. If you are making these changes to the Local folder, choose File > Save Network Configuration.

Related Topics

Oracle Net Services Overview
