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Oracle Net Entries in a Directory

Oracle Net Entries in a Directory

Entries in a directory are arranged into a hierarchical tree-like structure based on their distinguished name (DN). This tree of directory entries is called the directory information tree (DIT). Each entry contains one or more attributes that describe the entry.

Oracle Net entries in a DIT can be the following:

All Oracle Net entries appear under an Oracle Context subtree that stores Oracle entries. This subtree is created in a user-specified location in the DIT during a Custom installation on the server. Clients are configured with usage of the directory and a default Oracle Context from which to look up entries.

Each entry contains one or more attributes that describe the entry. Each attribute has a type and a value. The Oracle Net directory entries have the following attributes:

The following illustration shows a DIT with entries for two net service names called sales, which reside under hierarchical domain structures of and

Text description of dit.gif follows
Text description of the illustration dit.gif

Each entry is identified by a unique DN.

In the above figure, dc stands for a domain component, ou stands for an organizational unit and cn stands for a common name. dc=example,dc=com stands for the organization The UK and the US organizations are clearly identified by their individual domain components dc=uk and dc=us , respectively. The UK organization of example is further identified by two distinct organizational units called ou=mktg (for marketing) and ou=acctg (for accounting). There are two sales services available in ou=mktg,dc=uk and dc=us, respectively.

The two sales objects have DNs of:


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